Wednesday, January 7, 2009

who I am

Happy 2009!

The last time I blogged (which, I am embarrassed to say, was over a month ago) I said that I would possibly share some excerpts from a letter I wrote to Aaron. Here you go:

First of all I am a strong, independent woman...

I am also rediscovering my faith in God and am working toward building a better relationship with Him. Right now my journey back to Christ is leading me to the Catholic Church...

Even if I decide not to pursue Catholicism, I firmly believe in Natural Family Planning. I no longer want to use artificial birth control methods...

I want more children. I believe it is our call to have as many children as we can feed, clothe, and educate...

I love my kids and place them as my number two priority. I lean toward an attachment parenting style and think it is best to nurse my children exclusively (when possible) and until they self-wean...[I should also add here that I meant exclusively the first year, and then let them self-wean once the first year has passed] I strive everyday to be a better parent...

I believe that I should be married. I believe that a marriage is the basis of a good family and must be continuously worked on for it to thrive. I believe a good marriage is attainable...

Obviously I have removed a great deal of the letter. I only felt comfortable sharing the parts of the letter that were about me. So that's that - a little insight into who I feel I am and am becoming.

Let me leave you with this:

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